Behaviors to be adopted in places of worship
The essential indications will be displayed at the entrance of each church. Individual access to places of worship must be carried out in such a way as to avoid any gathering both in the building and in the annexed places, such as the sacristies and the churchyard.
Access to the church, in this transiti...
Behaviors to be adopted in places of worship
The essential indications will be displayed at the entrance of each church. Individual access to places of worship must be carried out in such a way as to avoid any gathering both in the building and in the annexed places, such as the sacristies and the churchyard.
Access to the church, in this transition phase, remains contingent and regulated by volunteers and / or collaborators who, by wearing adequate personal protective equipment, disposable gloves and an evident sign of recognition, facilitate access and exit by supervising the number maximum admitted admissions.
If the expected participation of the faithful significantly exceeds the number of admitted presences, the hypothesis of increasing the number of liturgical celebrations is considered.
To facilitate orderly access, during which the safety distance of at least 1 meter and a half must be respected, multiple entrances are used, where present, possibly distinguishing those reserved for entry from those reserved for exit. During the entry and exit of the faithful the doors remain open to facilitate a safer flow and prevent doors and handles from being touched.
The faithful who enter the places of worship for liturgical celebrations are required to wear masks. Sanitizing liquids are made available at the entrances of the cult cooks.
People with respiratory flu symptoms or with body temperatures of 37.5 degrees or higher cannot enter. Access to those who have been in contact with positive people at Covid in the previous days is also prohibited.
The places of worship are sanitized regularly at the end of each celebration, by cleaning the surfaces with suitable detergents with antiseptic action, and the exchange of air is favored.
Among the preparatory rites for Communion still stop the exchange of the sign of peace.
The distribution of Communion occurs after the celebrant and any extraordinary minister have taken care of the hygiene of their hands and put on disposable gloves. Wearing the mask, taking great care to cover the nose and mouth and maintaining an adequate safety distance, the priests will offer the host without coming into contact with the hands of the faithful.
Any offers are not collected during the celebration, but through special containers, which can be placed at the entrances or in another place deemed suitable.